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About Us

Emmanuel United Church of Christ is a unique congregation. We were founded in 1990 with the goal of being a progressive faith community in the heart of Florida.  Progressive means different things to different people, but let us share with you what makes Emmanuel UCC unique.  Our mission is what we do. Sharing God’s love with everyone no matter who you are or where you come from.  When we say a progressive faith community, we mean that you are welcome here regardless of whether you are Republican, Democrat or undecided; gay, straight or questioning; a northerner who moved down or a proud born-and-raised southerner, pro or anti gun, cell or rotary phone user.  We believe that everyone is welcome to worship here.  We believe everyone is welcome to receive Communion here.  After all, it is the Lord’s Supper, not the UCC’S supper or the Pastor’s Supper.

What We Believe


Emmanuel United Church of Christ is a proud member of the U.C.C., a denomination that was established in 1957, but can trace its roots back to 1620 when the Pilgrims journeyed to America to seek religious freedom and 1517 when Martin Luther acted against questionable church practices.

At Emmanuel U.C.C. we believe that everyone has the right to read the Bible and to discern for themselves what God is trying to say to them.  We believe that God has called our church into existence and that it is our members who are empowered to make decisions that affect the life and ministry of our congregation.

Following the example of Jesus, we at Emmanuel U.C.C. value the importance of fellowship and the ability to welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of orientation, political affiliation, ethnic background, physical & mental health or ability, marital status, age, gender identification, which side of the Mason Dixon line you’re originally come from, or what team (if any) you root for.

We believe we offer a unique voice in Highlands County, in which the Holy Spirit has shaped us into being, and has given us a voice to speak words of hope and welcome to those who have felt hopeless and unwelcome.  We love, we give and we share.

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